Hello, consider me your friend, the real one, the one you can trust with your heart and secrets:)

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My dear friend,
How are you? Are you feeling well?
I hope you're doing fine like I'd want you to be,in the best condition a human being could be in.I hope you know that you'll be loved no matter by your truely close and dear personage. I'll love you no matter what and you do truely matter to me. You light up my world, your smile paints my life in bright colors and your laughter fills it with glimmer, without you I'd be lost and I'd lose my happiness. Please stay happy forever love. You mean the world to me, you're my home, my family. I hope your smiles are true, I hope those shimmers in your eyes stay forever, I hope your heart feels at peace and mind at ease. I hope you're not blaming yourself for anything, I hope you're not harming yourself in any way I hope your heart is not hurting and your mind is not at turmoil for It would cause the same symptoms in me. I hope you don't throw your beautiful self away because of some error or Someone else's words for I don't want get world to lose it's beauty .We're friends;soulmate, I'd want the best for you.I hope you achieve everything in your life time that your heart desires and I truly believe that you would. You're so strong and beautiful, such an amazing person you are with a heart of gold, mind fill of wisdom, so open that any one would you accept. A literal angel. Love, mistakes can happen and you might lose alot of things on thins cruel journey called life for it's temporary and none it is to last forever but I promise love, it'll get better. The pain will subside and the scars will heal, and even if that don't You'll still remail beautiful as ever. The battle scars would remind you of who you were and how far you've come. Love I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you that you're still going on, that you're still here, that you still haven't given up on us and that you still dream, admire and aspire. You're truely remarkable. I know you'll make it far and fullfil your mission in this world, make yourself shine. I love how brave you are! You're facing this world, you're monsters on your own and still standing high .You might fall but that's okay too love. I know you can get up and do it again. I know it might be really hard but trust me love,legends never have it easy. I know you'll reach the peak higher than the skies and goals bigger than the universe.
You have my best possible wishes love. I hope you live a thousand years more just the way you want,never ever feel the pain of betrayal and get everything you deserve. My dear friend I know things can be really hard but I know you'll make it!
I'll cheering for in the background,proudly yelling that my friend made it, I'll be your number one fan.Love, bad things might happen but they'll go away, the feelings you abhor will go away too. You're thought are not you I hope you know that. I want the best for you and hope that you'll prove yourself to me by hold on for a bit more. We'll get through this together I promise you'll be okay. I love you and I'm extremely proud of you.
Your's ever
Your most true friend.
Who'll love you forever.

My dear friend I know things can be really hard but you're not alone, never are you walking alone. I'll always be your shadow, protection you might call it. I have some things for you. If you ever need to take a break please do. You deserve it. You've done alot and more than enough. If you ever need to calm down then do remember my words. I love you and am proud of you my friend. here are some things for you if you ever need a break to calm down or in need I general.I hope they can help you even a bit:)

( Made with Carrd )